Web site commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the E. H. Edwards Wire Rope Company
This fully Responsive site includes a various flip boxes showing historical information.

Publishing House Web Site
This fully Responsive publisher’s site includes a full commercial site with products for sale and Checkout Cart.

Artist’s Gallery Web Site
This fully Responsive Artist’s site includes navigable galleries in Category groupings, an Artist’s Statement, a Contact Me page and other marketing information.

Technical Consultant’s Web Site
This is a fully Responsive, technical consultant’s web site that includes a prominent and repeating logo, a Home Page slider and detailed Services pages, as well as AboutUs and ContactUs pages. In the Home Page Slider, each slide is annotated with specific category and detail captions, and Groups of Categories in the slider transition differently than those in the same category. Services includes an Overview page plus individual pages for more detailed presentations. VISIT SITE

Personal Blog
A fully Responsive blog web site.

Portrait Photographer’s Web Site
This is an earlier web site that is not Responsive, but sliders and galleries were programmed using Adobe Flash. This photographer’s site includes navigable galleries in Category groupings, an Artist’s Statement, a Contact Me page and other marketing information.

Booklike Walk-Through
This is an earlier web site that is not Responsive. The web site contains a slide show that uses a 1950’s style marketing booklet and marketing photographs to convey a story. VISIT SITE

Fashion Web Site
This is an earlier web site that is not fully Responsive. The site includes the designer’s statement.

Doula / Care Provider Web Site
This is an earlier web site that is not fully Responsive. The site includes slider, provider’s statement, and service listings.

Technical Society Section Home Page
This is an earlier web site that is not Responsive. The web site includes pages for monthly dinner meetings, section activities, current executive board members, calendar, etc. VISIT SITE